
Custom PAWlitical Digital Sign

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Custom PAWlitical Digital Sign

I’ve re-opened orders for custom digital political signs featuring your pets, supporting any politician in any US state.

I did this back in 2022 in support of Democrats from our home state of Pennsylvania, and it was such a joy to see my paw-litical signs (and people’s adorable pets!) all over social media.

Here’s what you’ll get

I will make you a custom digital campaign sign that you can use on social media and online to show support for your favorite candidate.

Your sign can have up to two pets on it, and you can choose a cat-themed sign or a dog-themed sign.

Here are a few examples of my custom signs:

Wanna order a sign? Here’s how it works:

  • Choose Standard Order (delivery within 5 business days) or Rush Order (delivery within 2 business days)
  • Place your order
  • Once your order is placed, you’ll immediately get a link to a quick and easy form to fill out the customizations for your sign
  • Once I have your completed form, I will begin working on your sign and will email it to you when completed. The email will come from catladyacademy.gmail.com.
  • Files will be delivered as JPGs. They are suitable for digital use, as well as for printing small physical items such as stickers.

Please note: You can only purchase one sign per order. So if you want more than one sign, please place a separate order for each.

On the form, you’ll be able to tell me how to customize your sign.

  • Sign color: Blue or red
  • What county or state you want to have listed on your sign
  • The last name of the politician you want to have listed on your sign
  • What you want your pet to be called (cats can be Democat, Republicat, or Cat; dogs can be called Doggocrat, Republidog, or Dog)
  • You can upload photo(s) of your pet(s) for the sign—I can include up to 2 photos per sign.
  • A few tips for choosing which photos to use: The clearer your photos are, the better your sign will turn out. Photos where the pet is sitting up or standing and facing the camera tend to work best. And you don’t need to have a “perfect” photo—in fact, goofy photos (like of your cat blepping or your dog’s tongue hanging out) can really add a fun touch to your sign!

Please review your form carefully before submitting it. I will be typing in county/state name, etc., exactly as you typed them on the form and am not responsible for any errors you may have made on your form.

But wait… You’ll make signs for ANYBODY?

Those of you who have been following me for a long time likely know how I lean politically. You may be wondering, “Nikki, are you really okay with making signs that support politicians who want to take rights away from others?”

That’s a good question, and I have a good answer. For every sign I sell, I’m donating $1 to the ACLU. Because of this, I assume that the majority of folks who support candidates who want to take rights away from people probably won’t want to buy a sign from me. 😈

The fine print:

Manny Halloween Cat, Cat Lady Academy, and any products they create are not affiliated with or sponsored by any candidate.

By providing Cat Lady Academy/Manny Halloween Cat with your pet’s photo(s), you are granting Cat Lady Academy/Manny Halloween Cat the use of these photos to create your sign(s). Cat Lady Academy/Manny Halloween Cat retain the right to use any completed signs that they have created for marketing and promotional purposes online and in print media.

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Follow Manny Halloween Cat on Instagram, Threads, Facebook, and TikTok, and Cat Lady Academy on Instagram!

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